Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The First Annual Pizza Files Summer Binge!

The First Annual Pizza Files Summer Binge! May 29th - August 9th, 2009.

Even though the Binge is scheduled for 10 weeks I only have 8 locations picked out, one pizza joint a week with two weeks left for a Bug Run (lobster), but that's another story. I bet I can find a few pizza joints between St Louis and Nova Scotia, Canada...

A list of potential Binge candidates.

New locations:
  1. Pi (U-City), I need to see what the fuss was all about.
  2. La Pizza (U-City).
  3. Caitos Sicilian Restaurant & Pizzeria (Kirkwood).
  4. Fortel's Pizza Den (Kirkwood).
  5. Ami's Pizza (Rockhill).
  6. St Louis style pizza, I'm just not sure at what joint it will be.
Previously visited locations:
  1. Napoli (St Peters).
  2. G&D (Columbia).
The Binge will correspond with my wife and daughters trip to the old country to visit family. As it is my wife fear's I will drain the bank accounts and gain 50lbs while she is gone. If she knew about the Binge she would probably cancel her trip and put a stop to it, so it's a good thing she doesn't read the Pizzafiles.com

Have I missed a must eat pizza joint? If so let me know.


The Binge, are you in?


Scott said...

maybe try Frankie Tocco's in Old Town St. Chuck (stl style I think), or JJ Twiggs (chicago double crust) at Doughtery Ferry and Big Bend in Manchester/Valley Park area. If you go way south to Imperial, try Trattoria Giuseppe 5442 Old State Route 21 Imperial, MO 63052
(636) 942-2405. But he only makes the Godfather, not sure if he'll make your standard order.

682202 said...

Scott, thanks for the recommendations. I have been thinking about JJ Twiggs for a while, but just haven't made it there yet. I think I'm afraid I will order a plate of Chicago Dog's for an appetizer...

Frankie Tocco's and Trattoria Giuseppe both look interesting. I'm especially interested in Trattoria Giuseppe as their pizza is limited to only two days a week. GAW