Saturday, March 6, 2010

Three day's in a row!

Pizza 3 days in a row, it doesn't get much better.

I'm eating a slice at East Coast Pizza at this very moment.


Location : 17304 Chesterfield Airport Rd, Chesterfield, MO 63005,


irondad said...

I saw something that seemed weird on the food network last night. Seems Wolfgang Puck has a signature line of frozen pizzas out there.

Pizza three days in a row? Now that's fine living!

682202 said...

The only thing finer would be four days in a row.

I believe I have seen the Wolfgang Puck frozen pies, it may have been at a Whole Foods. My wife won't let me buy frozen pizza's any more, if I want to have pizza at home I have to make it from scratch...